it's almost Winter
This was our first snow ... quite late for us!
The deer hunters are hoping for tracking snow for the start of gun deer hunting season on Monday.
They haven't called out that Finnlander :
"Heiki Lunta " yet to do his Snow Dance yet.
Winter Now!
by Lois Haglund
Like Quick-silver, the icy breeze slips
thru the trees and across the creek……
Now, stopping for a brief encounter
with a finger or a cheek…..
Now, flittering out in profuse ripples
to chill one’s deepest soul…..
Summer’s tattered shawl… blown away… as
Winter blusters in to assume his role….
Wait ! The word hangs frozen… suspended…..
Wait ! I’m not ready… not Now, Oh No !
Not Ready, to face the interminable days of siege
With a merciless foe outside my window !
Yes! It’s Time, for the quicksilver blade of a breeze
To now be an awesome, deadly blow….
I Know… and remember Why I fear and I dread,
I Must… I Can… I Know!