BIG PROJECT: EMPTY ALL BUT THE UPPER THREE BOOKSHELVES. Most of the books need to be put into boxes ... I'm trying to sort them so that one can find any certain one later. The remaining books are mostly going to be referrence/how-to ... special collections ... &
lots of picture books covering travel, history, etc ... coffee-table" type books that we can look thru.
This sorting project is something that,
really, only I can do. Then, I have to figure out where to store
my stuff; this is a small house ... no attic.
My Mom is coming up here next summer; half of my frontroom will be her
"room". Here's Mom on a previous visit, several years ago.

really, only I can do. Then, I have to figure out where to store
my stuff; this is a small house ... no attic.

"room". Here's Mom on a previous visit, several years ago.